I've been using EclipsePDT (Eclipse PHP Development Tools project) for quite a bit now. One thing that this Eclipse distribution lacks is an 'auto deploy' feature which will automatically copy your web app to your http servers webroot (htdocs folder). Most people will suggest to make your Eclipse workspace reside in the webroot folder to combat this. I hate this idea so I utilized ANT to auto copy my web files to my web root everytime I saved.
This technique utilizes the addition of a custom builder to your web project. First, create a file 'build.properties' in the root of your eclipse project.
In your build.properties file place the following lines...
apache.htdocs.dir=C:/Program Files (x86)/Zend/Apache2/htdocs web.root.dir=my_webproject full.deploy.path=${apache.htdocs.dir}/${web.root.dir}
Replace the apache.htdocs.dir to your webroot folder. Next change web.root.dir to your web project name (as it reflects in eclipse).
Now, create a file build.xml and place this in the root of your eclipse project. Paste the following into this file
Next, you need to tell eclipse that you have a custom builder that you want to run every time you save a file in your project. To do this, right click your project and goto "Properties". In the properties wizard, click on 'Builders'. Click the 'New...' button to create a new builder. Select the option 'Ant Builder'. A configuration wizard will now appear. The buildfile field, click the button 'Browse Workspace...' and select the build.xml file we created.
That completes the task. Edit a file in your project and save it. You will notice some ant output in your console showing the copy that is done to copy your webapp to your webroot.