Friday, April 1, 2011

Error loading mintty or cygwin

412016357 [main] bash 4460 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION 412017215 [main] bash 4460 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to bash.exe.stackdump

Today, I received the above core dump when I tried to load cygwin or mintty. A simple
solution worked for me.. In task manager I noticed many bash.exe processes opened. Killing
all those processes (or loading a command line window and typing in killall /im bash.exe /f)
worked for me.


  1. your bra bomb better work nerdlinger

  2. This is 9 years old, any updates?

  3. Seems like you'd be better off using a Docker container, why didn't you go that route?
